Thursday, November 12, 2015

Best Weight Loss Treatments in India

Affordable Weight Loss Surgery in India
Do you feel like you should take control of your obesity and change your lifestyle? Bariatric surgery helps overweight patients lose pounds and be healthier. If you’re thinking about it, talk to your doctor about whether it is a good option for you.
Obesity, described as the excessive accumulation of fat that exceeds the body’s skeletal and physical standards, becomes a serious health risk when it becomes morbid. In such cases the patient is susceptible to serious diseases like chronic heart disease, respiratory diseases or even infertility. You may be a candidate for weight loss surgery if you are an obese adult, if you know the risks and benefits and if you are committed to making lifestyle changes to keep the weight off.

Types of bariatric surgery

  • Restrictive surgeries – shrink the size of the stomach which reduces the amount of food it can hold (lap band, gastric sleeve).
  • Malabsorptive surgeries – rearrange and/or remove part of your digestive system which then limits the amount of calories and nutrients that your body can absorb (biliopancreatic diversion, biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch).
  • Combination – most types of bariatric surgery carry at least a small element of both components (gastric bypass, duodenal switch).
  • Benefits of weight loss surgery

    • Improves or resolves coexisting diseases
    • Provides a long term massive weight loss
    • Improves the patient’s quality of life and psychological status afterwards
    • Improves longevity

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